Languages around Spain

Our main language is Spanish but in some regions of Spain they have a second official language.


·         Català: It’s a Romanic language which is spoken by  11.5 million of people, but only 7,7 million of them have Català as a mother tongue language.
 It is spoken in  Alguer, Andorra, Balears, Catalunya and País Valencià. (The orange part in the map),

-          Some words in Catalán:

HELLO!                                           HOLA!
HOW ARE YOU?                           COM ESTÀS?
MY NAME IS...                                EM DIC...

·         Galego: It’s a Romanic Language which is spoken by 3.2 million of people.
It’s spoken in Galicia and Astúrias. (The blue part in the map)

-          Some words in Galego:

HELLO!                                           OLA!
HOW ARE YOU?                           COMO ESTÁ?
MY NAME IS...                                O MEU NOME É...

·       Euskera: It’s a Germanic Language which is spoken between 800.000 and 1.035.000 of people in ‘’el País Vasco ‘’ and the North of Navarra. (The green part in the map)

-          Some words in Euskera:

HELLO!                                           KAIXO
NICE TO MEET YOU                     DITUZU BETE
HOW ARE YOU?                            ZER MODUZ ZAUDE?
MY NAME IS...                                NIRE IZENA

·         Castellano: 

-          Some words in Castellano:

HELLO!                                           HOLA!
HOW ARE YOU?                            COMO ESTÁS?
MY NAME IS...                                MI NOMBRE ES..

Famous people

Spain isn’t a very big country but there are lots of famous people that we think you would know them:

Ferran Adrià

Ferran is from Catalonia and he is the best cook in the world. He has a restaurant called Bulli.

Penelope Cruz

She is from the capital of our country, Madrid. She is a great actress, known in all the world. She did films like: Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Todo sobre mi madre…

Javier Bardem

Javier’s from Gran Canarias, a group of islands that are part of Spain too. He is a famous Actor that won Oscars. Some of his films are: El amor en los tiempos del cólera, No Country for Old Men…

Rafa Nadal

He is from Catalonia, concretely from Mallorca isles. He is a very good Tennis player who wins a lot of prizes.

Leo Messi

Leo isn’t from Catalonia, he is from Argentina. But some years ago, he came to Catalonia and started playing with F.C. Barcelona. Now, he is the best football player in the world.

Pep Guardiola

Pep is the coach from F. C. Barcelona, the best team that exists. He is from Santpedor, a little village from Catalonia too.

Xavi Hernàndez

Xavi is from Catalonia, he is a footballer from Barça too. He is really good, and he won some prizes.

Pau Gasol

He is a basket player from Catalonia. He is playing with NBA, and Pau is really good. He has got a brother called Marc who plays basket really good too.


The Iberian Lynx is a carnivorous mammal that lives only in the Iberian Peninsula, there are fewer than 300.

Inhabited area:


Traditions and festivities of Spain.

The best known world between Spanish folk traditions are certainly Flamenco and Bulls. The Bullfighting the most popular and internationally known closures shows held during the San Fermin festival in Pamplona.
(Lo más conocido mundialmente entre las tradiciones folclóricas españolas son ciertamente el Flamenco y los Toros. Las Corridas de Toros internacionalmente los más populares y conocidos espectáculos los encierros que se celebran durante los Sanfermines en Pamplona.)

The most typical of Madrid festivals are the "San Isidro", in May.These dates are celebrated among the most important bullfightsof the year.
(Las fiestas más típicas de Madrid son las de "San Isidro", en Mayo. En estas fechas se celebran unas de las más importantes corridas de toros del año.)

Flamenco, on the other hand, is the southern folk tradition, especially in Andalusia. It is in this land where you will learn the roots of singing, guitar and flamenco dàncing. (Flamenco, de otro lado, es la tradición folclórica del sur, en particular de Andalucía. Y es en esta tierra donde conocerá las raíces del cante, la guitarra y el baile flamenco.)

"Las Fallas de San José" in Valencia, held in March, when the whole city becomes one huge party and stage art, with vast quantities of the most extraordinary fireworks. ("Las Fallas de San José" en Valencia, que se celebran en Marzo, cuando toda la ciudad se convierte en un escenario enorme de fiesta y arte, con inmensas cantidades de la más extraordinaria pirotecnia.)

In Buñol (Valencia), the last Wednesday of August celebrates the Tomatina, the largest tomato fight in the world. More than 40,000 people, 100 tons of tomatoes are figures indicating the size of the event, where for an hour is bombarded with tomatoes atanyone who moves. (En Buñol(Valencia), el último miércoles de Agosto se celebra la Tomatina; la batalla de tomates más grande del mundo. Más de 40.000 personas, 100 toneladas de tomate, son cifras que indican la dimensión del evento, donde durante una hora se bombardea con tomates a todo el que se mueve.)

The Carnival is very popular in various parts of the country, beingwell known in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, by its beauty, Sitges and Cádiz. (El Carnaval tiene su popularidad en muy diversos puntos del país, siendo muy conocidos el de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, por su belleza, el de Sitges y el de Cádiz.)