Tàrrega is a city of the region of Lleida in Catalonia, Spain and has a population of 17,000 inhabitants.

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1. Festivites

  1.1 Theatre Fair (Fira del Teatro) 
The Theatre Fair shows exhibitions of different types. It is held the second week of September.     

  1.2 Hunting Fair (Fira del Cazador)
        The Hunting Fair are activities related to dogs and other animals.

  1.3 King’s parade (Cabalgata de Reies)
King’s parade is a parade of carriages celebrated on the night of the 5th January. There are three carriages each carrying a king, their names are: Melcior, Gaspar and Baltasar. Every king has a few assistants to help distribute candy to children. The Three Wise Men bring all the presents at night if you’ve been good! 

2. Main sights

  2.1 Castle (Castillo)

           This castle is very old. It is from the tenth century.

  2.2 St. Eloi Park (Parque St. Eloi)
There is an eighteenth century church in honor of St. Eloi. At the time St Eloi is to become a great park of almost 20 hectares.  People go there for a walk or take their walks for a walk, children go on the rides or play sport. 

  2.3 Ondara Park (Parque del Ondara)
Ondara is a river that comes from the river Ebro and goes through the villages of Cervera, Tarrega, Vilagrassa and Anglesola. Beside the river Ondara there is a park and few rides for the kids.

3. Facilites

-The Theater of the Ateneu de Tàrrega was opened in 1922. There occur theater,                     concerts and other social and cultural activities. Throughout the years they have been doing   renovations and improvements. The capacity of the theater of 552 seats.


-The church of Santa Maria de Alba is an architectural work of religious belonging to the town of Tàrrega. It was built between 1672 and 1742, all adhere to the design previously made ​​by the architect Josep de la Concepció. The whole church inside is hand painted by the famous painter of Tàrrega, Josep Minguell.


-The Central Library County Tàrrega was inaugurated on 26 November 1994. has about 1,200 m2, spread over three floors, which make up the different sections, forming the Group of Catalan Libraries Associated to UNESCO.


              -More facilites

4. Other Villages

  4.1 Verdú
This village is famous for ceramics. It is a beautiful village. Verdú is known historically for its black  pottery.

        The most important parties in Verdú are: “festa del sillo i de la ceramica”

         Another famous fair of Verdú is the "Bacus" (is the name of the god of wine)

  4.2 Ciutadilla

Ciutadilla is a little village, but here is a beautiful castle. Ciutadilla is one of the people who make the best oils in the world. Ciutadilla is also known as the "medieval" town.

         Medieval fair

         Oil of Ciutadilla

  4.3 Agramunt

Agramunt is a very important village because there is a very important museum of Guinovart and a church. Also, there is a very famous festival in Catalonia called “fira del torró i de la xocolata a la pedra”.

               The Church
             Guinovart museum

              "Fira del torró i de la xocolata a la pedra"


The festival of Tàrrega